Episode 49. Owning Your Greatness as a Woman of Color
Have you ever been the only woman or person of color in the room? Have you ever felt like you’re in an underrepresented field?
Well, you’re not alone. I know there are some important and very real challenges that women, women of color, and minorities experience in the workplace. To name a few: impostor syndrome, feeling unsafe and having to work harder to get to the same place as others. But, It’s time to break up the shame, the stigma, and the loneliness.
I have coached hundreds of clients that face this situation. So, in this episode, I’m sharing with you some mindset takeaways to consider, as well as some tools and skills to help you navigate being the only one who looks like you. It’s time to own up to your greatness and celebrate your uniqueness in the workplace.
Highlights from the episode:
Becoming aware and acknowledging the facts and your feelings to move on
Reframe how you think about belonging in the workplace
Change your narrative of how you see yourself and your story
A fun strategy to build up your confidence
Learn how to control your emotions and your central nervous system